lunedì 23 luglio 2012

Fuori porta per Gaia

Ciao mondo! Che giornatona piena piena di cose da fare! Trovo solo adesso un po' di tempo per farvi vedere il fuori porta che ho creato per mia figlia Gaia..un fuori porta con gessetto profumato! Vi lascio alle tante foto...

Hello world! What giornatona packed full of things to do! Only now I find a little 'time to show you the outside door that I created for my daughter Gaia .. an outside door with chalk scented! I leave you with lots of photos ...

Con questo lavoro partecipo alle seguenti sfide:
- Magnolia stamp lovers challenge blog "only projects created using Tilda."
- Challenge #30 "Fantasy World" Deep ocean challenge blog
- Challenge #10…Anything Goes Tilda's town challenges
- Magnolia Down Under Challenge #156 Fun with Paper Doilies
- ANYTHING BUT A SQUARE!! magnolia-licious highlites challenge blog

With this work I participate with the following challenges:
- Magnolia challenge blog stamps lovers "only projects created using Tilda."
- Challenge # 30 "Fantasy World" Deep ocean challenge blog
- Challenge # 10 ... Anything Goes Tilda town's challenges
- Magnolia Down Under Challenge # 156 Fun with Paper doilies
- ANYTHING BUT A SQUARE! Magnolia-licious challenge blog highlites
It's all ... Hugs!

9 commenti:

  1. Wow... what a fab project Dany! Gorgeous colouring but the detail you have on here is amazing!

  2. Bellissimo Dany! I tuoi piccoli sono proprio fortunati ad avere una mammina creativa e con le mani d'oro!

  3. What a beautiful door hanging! Just lovely! Thank you so much for joining us at Tilda's Town this week! Good luck and I hope to see you back Friday!
    Rene :D

  4. hello sweetneess!!

    ma che bel fuori porta! mi piace un sacco! i colori, la tilda e la scritta...tutto perfettamente stupendo!
    grazie per aver partecipato al deep ocean challenge!!
    incorcio le dita per te!

  5. Oh What a super cute and totally gorgeous hanger, Thanks so much for playing along at Magnolia Down Under this week!!

  6. Amazing door hangar Daniela!! It really is gorgeous with all those embellishments!!
    Thanks for playing with us at Tilda's Town this week!! Good luck in the draw!!
    Hugs, Tina

  7. Hi
    Your card is beautiful.I love all the embellishments you have used. Thanks for joining us at MDUC this week.
    Hugs, Janne

  8. very very creative!!

    Thanks for joining us at MDUC this week.

  9. Oi Daniela!!!

    Seus trabalhos são belíssimos!!! Fantásticos!!! Já sou sua seguidora.

    Beijos e tenha uma semana abençoada e iluminada


grazie per aver lasciato un vostro pensiero!!


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